The call for abstracts for the Blast and Conflict Injury Conference 2024 will open on 2nd January 2024. The first deadline will be 18th March for all presentation types. The second deadline will be 27th May for short talks and posters.
To submit an abstract, you will need a personal account on the abstract submission tool ( This must be created before you can upload your abstract.
You can submit the abstract within one of the session themes for the conference with the possibility of indicating up to three additional subject area (see below for themes).
Requirements for submission
Abstracts are limited to 2000 characters and should be text only. You will be required to choose a cross-cutting theme in addition to the session theme and indicate which type of presentation you would like.
Podium presentations are a long-form oral presentation of at least 20 minutes (depending on full conference schedule). This option will only be available up to 18th March.
Poster presentations will be available as an only choice or as an alternative to the podium presentation (if you are unsuccessful in this category), please ensure to mark this option as well as the podium (and/or lightning talk), if you would like this as a back-up.
Lightning Talks will be around 5-10 minutes long and are a great opportunity for less advanced research to be communicated to the community. This option will be the only oral presentation offered in the extended abstract deadline (19th March – 27th May).
After submission all abstracts will be reviewed by the conference team and session chairs. Session chairs will select which abstracts will be offered a podium presentation, poster slot, or lightning talk. Initial notifications will be released in early April. Later submissions (after 18th March) will be notified within 2-3 weeks of submission.
As a scientific conference, our mission is to enable open and free discussion on the impact of war on the health of those involved, most specifically blast and conflict injury. We understand that tensions and opinions relating to the current conflicts around the world may affect how we talk about this subject, but these conflicts also highlight the importance and timeliness of the work that we are doing. We ask all participants to respect the scientific integrity of the conference by keeping any commentary on geopolitical events out of presentations and discussions at the conference.
Conference Themes
Symposium Themes:
- Musculoskeletal Injury
- Burns and Skin Health
- Biology/Physiology of Blast and Conflict Injury
- Hearing Loss
- Head and Brain Injury (Blast and Conflict Neurotrauma)
- Clinical and Epidemiological Aspects of Blast and Conflict Injury
- Point of Wounding and Casualty Evacuation
- Paediatric Blast and Conflict Injury
- Civilian/no-combatant Blast and Conflict Injury Burden
- Rehabilitation – Psychological Effects, Technology and User Experience
- Osseointegration
- Blast Force Protection
- Living with Blast and Conflict Injury
- Forensic Analysis of Injuries
- Monitoring and Measuring Data in the Field
- Secondary Outcomes
- Repetitive Blast/Micro Blast/Vibration Exposure
Cross-cutting Themes:
- Prediction and Prevention
- Protection
- Treatment, Rehabilitation and Long-term Outcomes
If you have any questions, then please contact